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Blog Post - January 20, 2021
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Prevent the Objection, “Not Interested.” Strategy 3 of 6

ObjectionFreeSellingIconObjection 1 of 85: Not interested.

When does it usually occur? Initial contact.
Probable Cause: Prospect does not believe a need exists.
Objective: Establish a need.

Prevention Strategy one of six:

A need is a gap between where the prospective customer is now and where they want to be, or it is the gap between a problem and a solution.

Therefore, the overall strategy is to establish needs by creating the gaps. The needs you want to establish are those met by your Unique Selling Points (USP).

Consider what your USP does; the function it performs. If this function is not being performed, what do you see (or not see)?

What does not having this function performed the way your USP can perform it, cost the customer? 

Lead them with questions so they can discover they don’t have your USP and because they don’t have that function performed, it costs them real money out of a real budget.


Objection Free Selling book coverThis blog's content comes from Chapter 6: Strategies Specific to Each Objection in the Objection Free Selling book.

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