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Blog Post - June 15, 2021
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Prevent to the Objection, “Already have someone.” Strategy 2 of 5

ObjectionFreeSellingIconObjection 2 of 85: Already have someone

When does it usually occur? Initial contact.
Probable Cause: Prospect does not believe a need exists.
Objective: Establish a need.

If what you’re selling is an essential item or service, then most likely the prospect is doing business with someone else, so unless you can prevent or preempt it, you’ll hear this objection a lot. Again, you’ve got to focus attention on areas where you're strong, your competitor is weak, and the customer has needs.

The sales style Competitor Analysis will locate these Unique Selling Points (USPs) for you (see previous 2020 blog # 8).

Using the plastic containers FAB USP competing against metal containers that rust.:

  • Feature: Plastic containers (parts, or whatever)
  • Advantage: Won’t rust, have greater strength than metal, and have UV protection
  • Benefit: Eliminate replacement costs due to rust

"The reason I'm contacting you is to get you some written information about how we've developed a way for our customers to eliminate the rust from their containers (USP), the rust stains from their shelves (USP), and the negative impact of rust on customers (USP). Is now a good time to quickly verify some information?"

With this template script, you can prevent the "Not Interested," "Already have someone," and "Just send me your literature" objections.


Objection Free Selling book coverThis blog's content comes from Chapter 6: Strategies Specific to Each Objection in the Objection Free Selling book.

Select this link to preview and buy the eBook: Objection Free Selling

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Select this link to download the free list of the 85 Most Common Sales Stopping Objections organized by missing "Buyer Beliefs" that cause them.

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Check out the free list of the 85 Most Common Sales Stopping Objections to see what's coming up next.

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