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Blog Post - February 22, 2022
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Prevent the Objection, “We do it internally with our own people.” Strategy 4 of 5

ObjectionFreeSellingIconObjection # 5 of 85:We do it internally with our own people.

When does it usually occur? Initial contact.
Probable Cause: Prospect does not believe a need exists.
Objective: Establish a need.

PREVENTION STRATEGY 4 of 5: Focus your introductory comments in areas where you are strong, the internal competitor is weak (a quick sales style competitor analysis will tell you). From the onset, tell how you work with internal departments because they can leverage what you offer to multiply the results, and everyone looks good.

Your competitor analysis told you they do it internally. It also told you where and how you can help them quantifiably meet one or more of the four basic business needs with your Unique Selling Points. This is what you do. you work with the internal competition.

Now what happens to this objection if you start of by saying you know they have an internal department (person) who does this? You've prevented it!

See previous blogs or the book for the four business needs, Unique Selling Points, Competitor Analysis, and scripting suggestions.


Objection Free Selling book coverIf you want a shortcut to the top of the sales force, invest $9.95 for the eBook or $19.95 for the paperback. Carry it with you. Tab the pages, make your own notes, and start your own sales objections strategy book for the specific objections you get for what you sell. Make flashcards. I did.

This blog's content comes from Chapter 6: Strategies Specific to Each Objection in the Objection Free Selling book.

Select this link to take the FREE sales diagnostic to identify which objections are stopping your sales and which skill sets you need to learn and use to prevent, preempt, and respond to these specific objections. Only ten questions.

Select this link to preview and buy the eBook or Paperback: Objection Free Selling with its 874 objection PREVENTION, PREEMPTION, and RESPONSE strategies for the 85 most common sales stopping objections

Select this link to the eLearning course: Objection Free Selling

Select this link to download the free list of the 85 Most Common Sales Stopping Objections organized by missing "Buyer Beliefs" that cause them and to see the list of upcoming blogs.

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