Sales Training International (STI) Intellectual Property (IP) For Sale |
Sales Training International (STI) Intellectual Property (IP) For Sale
We've retired from the training and coaching industry and are liquidating the assets of our thirty-five year old company Sales Training International.
This unusual asset sale opportunity includes:
- 25 Amazon Top 100 Best Selling ebooks/books in sales, sales management, and customer service to open doors, break ties, and close sales (48 ebooks/books total - some still on bestsellers lists).
- 8 standardized diagnostic questionnaires to identify specific training needs in sales and customer service (two are currently available online)
- 46 ILT and 45 WBT skills-based courses and modules to selectively target the identified needs (evidence-based training)
- 3 Coaching Models (Peer-to-Peer Coaching, Curbside Coaching, and Formal Coaching) ensure effective and sustainable results
- 5 web-based software programs including Non-SCORM Learning Management System (LMS) with e-commerce, Customer Relationship Management), Competitor Analysis Software System, Diagnostic Questionnaires. The software needs updated GUI so we're including it at no additional charge to the right buyers. Each piece of software can become a stand-alone business.
The Intellectual Property (IP) content has an exceptionally long shelf-life because it's based on psychological principles of human behavior specific to buying, selling, and customer interaction. All Instructor-Led Training (ILT) content is updated and fresh. It is minimally formatted to allow rapid rebranding.
The content is pragmatic and evidence-based rather than theoretical. "Evidence-Based Training" connects the obvious diagnostic links between knowledge, skills, and strategy deficits to sales lost or stalled, matched with the skills and strategies taught, and the results obtained. Connect the dots to achieve the targeted results.
The knowledge, skills, and strategies are taught at the principles level and then personalized by each participant to what they sell during the learning activities. This process broadens the base of applicability across most industries in business-to-business sales and customer service settings.
Note: This process of finding a buyer may take some time, and so In the interim, we are rebranding our services to "SalesHelp with Dr. Robert DeGroot" to reflect how we are currently meeting our customers' needs. Sales Training International now represents the publishing brand for the Web-Based Training, Instructor-Led Training workbooks, and books/ebooks. The new owner can use the brands to meet their needs and goals.
Top 10 Reasons to Select SalesHelp with Dr. Robert DeGroot - What makes us different.
History of Sales Training International - From start to rapid growth, to adopting the virtual company business model, to current semi-retirement. |
Intellectual Property Included this sale |
8 standardized competency model diagnostic questionnaires, surveys, and checklists to select from to provide clear evidence of where training is needed and where it’s not needed. Test before you invest:
- Sales Diagnostic Questionnaire (SDQ & Quick SDQ)
- Competency Diagnostic Questionnaire (CDQ)
- Sales Process Diagnostic Questionnaire (SPDQ)
- Objection Free Selling Skills Survey – Objections you get to skills you need - Currently available online
- Strategic Sales Plan Checklist – Featured in bestselling ebook and paperback book
- Objections Diagnostic Checklist – Featured in bestselling ebook and paperback book
- Customer Service Diagnostic Questionnaire (CSDQ)
- Customer Service Skills Survey - Currently available online
46 Instructor-Led Training (ILT) updated courses/modules to rapidly create custom curriculums based on the results of the diagnostics – Evidence-Based Training:
- 27 Sales courses/modules (All have trainer manuals)
- 9 Sales Management courses/modules (All have trainer manuals)
- 10 Customer Service courses/modules (All have trainer manuals)
- All classroom materials have been updated where needed and redeveloped using minimal formatting to enable rapid rebranding and ready to sell.
- The assets include a dozen two-day pre-constructed training courses. Some of the stand-lone modules are included in these courses.
- The modules can be bolted together to rapidly create a custom curriculum based on the diagnostic needs analysis.
45 eLearning courses to provide personalized curriculums. All operate on our LMS, and 30 are SCORM conformant to operate on commercial Learning Management System (LMS):
- 25 Sales courses (seventeen have best-selling ebooks – 14 are SCORM)
- 10 Sales Management courses (two have best-selling ebooks – 6 are SCORM)
- 10 Customer Service courses (six have best-selling ebooks – 10 are SCORM)
- All courses use a highly interactive accelerated learning format
- All SCORM courses are developed using Articulate Storyline 3
- All Non-SCORM courses are design ready for Storyline or Captivate style software
- Much of the Non-SCORM content is included in the SCORM courses
- Courses can be previewed by selecting the links from the WBT course listings in this site
- All SCORM courses are currently being sold on OpenSesame.com
48 ebooks and three paperback books including 25 Amazon Top 100 Best-sellers, to open doors and provide strong credibility. The enhanced customer confidence helps close sales:
- Books/ebooks were developed from the Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses
- Ebooks and two paperback books (all updated 2018 – 2019)
- 2 paperback books published in 2016 and 2018 include diagnostic checklists (ebook editions are best-sellers and still on the Amazon lists)
- Objection Free Selling is now 74 months on the Amazon Top 100 Best Sellers list as of August 2023.
- Legendary Customer Service (compilation of 11 short customer service ebooks) is available as eBook and paperback from Amazon
- A dozen or so other books are on and off the lists and have been since 2012
- All eBooks and paperbacks are currently sold on Amazon, B&N and other book retailers and e-tailers around the world.
Includes copyrights to all of the sales, sales management, and customer service books listed on this site except Psychology for Successful Selling (copyright held by publisher). |
Popular Instructor-Led two and three-day courses - Each prepackaged course has its own trainer manuals, participant manuals, ebooks, and eLearning Courses (unless otherwise noted).
Sales Training
- Value Selling Strategies P.R.O.S.P.E.C.T. Model. This process is specifically designed for those who sell solutions to their customers’ problems, and do so in intensely competitive markets. This model is easy to learn, remember, and use. Easy to demonstrate how this model prevents their worse nightmare objections using what our prospect sells to their customer base. It was developed by linking objection prevention strategies together in the order in which these common objections would come up. The course bestselling ebook.
- Objection Free Selling - How to PREVENT, PREEMPT, and RESPOND to Every Sales Objection You Get. Completely participant driven. Starts with participants listing the objections they get on flip charts and ends with participants explaining and demonstrating how they will prevent, preempt, and respond to each one. Easy to sell and train. It's a fun eye-opening course. ebook is now over six years on the bestsellers lists has paperback edition. Over six years on the Amazon Top 100 Best Sellers list.
- Strategic Sales Plan - Why Sales Fail and How Wins are Won. The Strategic Sales Plan identifies and defines the 8 phases, 44 diagnostic sales process steps, and 201 action items listed to complete each one. Completely participant driven. Validation for what our customers sell is built into the learning process. Ability pin-point critical steps in the sales process that when missed cause sales to fail enables early detection of burgeoning problems for specific sales while there is still time to correct them. Sales autopsies find the problems, sales wins find the solutions. It's another fun eye-opening course. Long-time bestselling ebook. Has paperback edition.
- ACE Value Selling. This course was created from the most common pattern of skills deficits found on the Sales Diagnostic Questionnaire (SDQ). It includes prospecting contact methods, value selling model (ACE), closing strategies, and other basic selling skills. Component parts have WBT and ebooks.
- FAB/TEA Value Selling Model. Originally designed to be a stand-alone module in the Objection Free Selling course to help patch a common hole found in most sales models, and to be an easy to learn and use value selling model for call centers. It is a popular plug in module value selling model for sellers who can handle everything except price pressure, differentiation, and the need create a sense of urgency. Adding other diagnostically identified short modules creates the two-day version. The FAB/TEA module is in the Objection Free Selling online course.
- Negotiating Value. This course is specifically designed for salespeople who negotiate value related issues from a lower power vantage point and do so in highly competitive markets. Includes 14 methods to establish power, how to negotiate the trade-off, and how to submit multiple bids, in the same package to help the customer negotiate with themselves to get the best outcome possible..
- The Hunt. Identifying the high-priority prospects, contacting the right decision-makers using multiple methods of contact has always been the weakest link in most sales organizations. The Hunt is a compilation of ten prospecting related courses and modules described in the tab about Instructor-Led Training.
Sales Management Training
- Legacy Basic. Consists of several basic sales management skill sets including Managing Quality Sales Efforts, Interviewing, Selecting and Hiring, Sales Professionals Performance Appraisal, and Sales Coaching: Formal, Curbside, and Peer-to-Peer.
- Legacy Advanced. Consists of several selections of both broad-based advanced management courses including Career Path for Sales Professionals, Creating and Leading a Motivating Sales Culture, Effective Meeting Planning and Facilitating and Reseller Strategy (optional). And custom selections which can include Teleblitz Sales Management, Funnel Management, Ratio Management, Time and Territory Management, and diagnostic processes, and specialized coaching.
Managing Quality Sales Efforts, Sales Professionals Performance Appraisal, Sales Coach, Peer-to-Peer Sales Coaching*, Curbside Sales Coaching, and Reseller Strategy* are available as eLearning courses. Two courses* have Best-Selling eBooks
Customer Service Training
One-half to three-day courses are constructed based on the modules selected.
- Create Attitudes Instantly
- Telephone Etiquette
- Business Email Etiquette
- Trust and Rapport Building
- Active Listening Skills
- Problem-Solving
- Defusing Anger
- Managing Customer Expectations
- Creating Customer Loyalty
- Stress Control
- Goal Setting
Select two or three-day courses, or create a custom course based on the free online diagnostic questionnaire.
- Legendary Customer Service. This is the new three-day course that includes "Create Attitudes Instantly" ebook and course, along with a needs analysis determined selection from standard ten courses.
- Customer Service Excellence. Consists of courses customer service courses 2-10 listed above.
- Custom Course based on diagnostics. The diagnostic questionnaire is online and free.
Registered Trademarks, Copyrights, & Domain Names:
- Previous company logo design retains Registered Trademark ®
- Logo for master value selling course has history rights to Registered Trademark ®
- All logos, courses and unique course icons are Trademarked TM
- All courses, books, and support materials are Copyrighted ©
- Paperback books have copyrights filed with the United States Copyright Office
- Domain Names included:
- SalesHelp.com
- SalesTrainingInternational.com
- LearnSellingOnline.com
- LearnCustomerServiceOnline.com
- ObjectionFreeSelling.com
- ValueSellingStrategies.com
Five Web-Based Software Programs included at no additional cost:
- Sales Diagnostic Questionnaire (SDQ)
- Competency Diagnostic Questionnaire 360 (CDQ)
- Learning Management System - Non-SCORM
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Competitor Analysis Software System (CASS)
Select this link to view software descriptions. |
Value Proposition |
What's better than investing in a startup? Investing in a startup with a 35-year history of success with updated content and current bestselling books.
What? Yes, the owners transitioned the company to the virtual business model in 2007 and semi-retired. Then, they got older and decided not to continue operations. Instead, they focused on updating and converting the proven content into 48 books – 25 of which became Amazon Top 100 Bestsellers and one is currently on the list going on 77 months.
STI discontinued active sales and marketing in 2009 and COVID put an end to in-person training, so we ceased active operation at the end of 2021.
As such, valuation of the assets would be more appropriately done using methods of estimating the value of a startup including:
Select this link to view a discussion of these methods applied to STI.
- Cost-to-Duplicate
- Market Multiple
- Discounted Cash Flow
- Valuation by Stage
Perspective: A two-day class with 20 participants using the industry standard fee for an open enrollment class of $2,500 each = $50K. Check out the websites of other sales, sales management, and customer service training companies to view their pricing. Adjust those rates and class sizes per your market and capabilities to make sure you get a positive cash flow.
Support, including customary training and consulting (plus expenses), will be provided by Dr. Robert DeGroot to ensure the transfer of knowledge is successful.
For additional information, please contact: Bob@SalesHelp.com |

For additional information: e-mail Bob@SalesHelp.com
© Copyright 2025 Robert P DeGroot. All Rights Reserved.
https://SalesHelp.com |